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Sermon Archives

January 19, 2025
"The Jesus-Movement"
January 26, 2025
"Significant and Wonderful"
February 2, 2025
"God's Will = God's Kin-dom"
July 14, 2024: 
"From Lonliness to Solitude"
December 15, 2024: 
"Keeping Herod in Christmas""
January 5, 2025
"Another Year to Live"
January 12, 2025
"Claim the Name"
July 7, 2024: July 4 weekend
"Freedom to Hope"
June 30, 2024: PRIDE
"You Be You"
June 16, 2024
"The Thin Space"
May 19, 2024 Pentecost
"The Breath of a Movement"
May 26, 2024 Pentecost Part 2
"I, You, We are the Church"
It's still Easter Season
"Go Ahead and Doubt!""
Earth Day and Camp Sunday
"Creation Just Keeps on Creating"
Easter Sunday:
"It's the Mystery, not the History"
Lent: The Seven Last Words of Jesus
Join us as we explore the last seven messages Jesus had for all of humanity as he suffered a gruesome death.  Beginning on February 11th, right up to Easter Sunday, we will 
explore a different lesson he leaves us with.  They include forgiveness, paradise, family, abandonment, hunger and thirst, surrender, release, and closure.
March 17, 2024
"The 7 Last Words of Jesus: Finished"
March 24, 2024
"The 7 Last Words of Jesus: Commend My Spirit"
March 10, 2024
"The 7 Last Words of Jesus: Thirst"
March 3, 2024
"The 7 Last Words of Jesus: Forsaken"
February 25, 2024
"The 7 Last Words of Jesus: Family"
February 18, 2024
"The 7 Last Words of Jesus: Paradise"
February 11, 2024
"The 7 Last Words of Jesus: Forgiveness"
The Abrahamic Religions
January 21, 2024
"The Abrahamic Faiths: Judaism"
An Advent and Christmas Series:  "Faces near the Manger"
December 24, 2023
"The Face of the Inn-Keeper"
December 24, 2023
"The Face of God"
November 26, 2023
"The Eternal Now"
November 5, 2023
November 12, 2023
"All The Church Wants is My Money"
November 19, 2023
"The Stories We Tell"
October 29, 2023
"The Making of a Saint"
October 22
Special Guest: Rev. Derek Nakano
"Going the Extra Mile"
October 18th: 
Special Guest: Rev. David Nieda
"The Precipice of the Impossible"
M.I.L.E. is the Bishop's direction for the Greater Northwest UMC.
Let's consider how MASON might participate in this vision.
September 17
E is for Eliminating Racism
September 10
"L" is for Lay Enhancement
September 3
"I" is for Itineration and Location
August 27
M. is for Ministry that Matters

The Most Radical Prayer of All: Reflections on the Lord's Prayer in 2 parts.
December 3, 2023
"The Face of Joseph"
December 10, 2023
"The Faces of the Shepherds"
December 17, 2023
"The Faces of Mary"
August 20
The Most Radical Prayer Ever
Part II of the Lord's Prayer
August 13
The Most Radical Prayer Ever
Part 1 of the Lord's Prayer
August 6
Thank God For the Thorns
The Beattitudes
For the next eight weeks we will be exploring the first of one of the most popular sermons.  Jesus preaches prayers, parables, laws and more.  All of the sermon, Jesus says NOTHING about what to believe, but only how to live.  Beginning with the opening of the sermon we will explore what it means to be blessed and why hardships are a blessing.
June 25th
Blessed Are The Meek
June 4th
What Does "Blessed" Really Mean?
June 11th - Blessed are the Poor
"When You Have Nothing"
June 18th
"Blessed Are Those Who Mourn"
May 28th.  "Pentecost:"
The 1st and 21st Century Church
EASTER SEASON: Stories of the Resurection
My 21st
"The Rhythm of the Resurrection"
May 14th
"The Breath of the Spirit"
May 8th
"Do You Love Me?"
April 30th
"The Agnostic Christian"
April 16th
"Easter Reality"
April 9th
"To Be Alive!"
Lent: Giving Up...
April 2nd
"Two Parades"
March 23rd
"Lent: Giving Up Life"
March 19th
"Lent: Giving Up Control"
While Pastor Susan is on mission
in Kenya, there will be no
posted videos from
February 19th - March 19th
February 5th
"The Methodist Way"
February 12th
"A Parable for Forgiveness"
January 29th "How We Serve"
January 22nd.
"An Invitation to Serve"
January 15th "Do Or Die"
an urgent message from Pastor Susan
Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.  Celebrating the Hope, Peace, Love and Joy of the world.

Christmas Eve
"From Fear to Faith"

Christmas Day
"Those Wise Guys"

Advent is Here!   "Do Not Be Afraid".

November 27th: Advent Week One
"Fear Not: More Hope"

December 3rd: Advent Week Two
"Fear Not: More Love"

(there were technical difficulties in recording, but you can view the whole service on our Facebook page.  Just click the above title)


December 11th: Advent Week Three
"Fear Not: More Love"

December 18th: Advent Week Four
"Fear Not: More Joy"

All Saints Day - October 30th -
"Calling All Angels"

November 6th
"God's Politics"

November 13th  "An Adhesive Faith"
special guest preacher,
Dr. Rev. Del Permann

November 20th "Living Our Oneness"
special guest preacher,
Rev. Bob Ward

Looking In.... Reaching Out... Promising Discipleship

The Power of Presence

Believe Out Loud

Her Whole Life

Our Promises

We Are All Pilgrims....What Way? Whose Truth? Why Life?   JOHN 14:6
September 11, 18. and 24.- Come explore with us the most divisive scripture in the Gospels. 

We're All Pilgrams
Searching for the Way...

We are All Pilgrims
Searching for the Truth

We're All Pilgrams

Searching for Life....

We Officially Become a Reconciling Congregation 

Mason's Resurrection

Love is Love

All Means All

Church 101: Why Bother?
For this sermon series, Pastor Susan will be exploring with Mason, why anyone should bother going to church or even being part of church life.  We'll ask ourselves questions that we don't usually think about, like why do we bother giving up our one morning to sleep in and have a leisurly cup of coffee while scanning the news.  Why do we sing weird songs with words that we can't even define, nevermind folks who don't go to church.  Why does one person get to stand in front with a holier-than-thou robe and talk about some guy who lived 2,000 years ago? What's the point? Why do we bother being part of a church? Here we explore the point of it all.

What's a disciple?

What's the point of prayer?

What's worship about?

What's the point of sharing
our faith?

What's service supposed
to be about?

Is the Bible really necessary?

Sermon Archives

May 19, 2024 Pentecost
"The Breath of a Movement"
May 26, 2024 Pentecost Part 2
"I, You, We are the Church"
June 30, 2024
It's still Easter Season
"Go Ahead and Doubt!""
Earth Day and Camp Sunday
"Creation Just Keeps on Creating"
Easter Sunday:
"It's the Mystery, not the History"
Lent: The Seven Last Words of Jesus
Join us as we explore the last seven messages Jesus had for all of humanity as he suffered a gruesome death.  Beginning on February 11th, right up to Easter Sunday, we will 
explore a different lesson he leaves us with.  They include forgiveness, paradise, family, abandonment, hunger and thirst, surrender, release, and closure.
March 17, 2024
"The 7 Last Words of Jesus: Finished"
March 24, 2024
"The 7 Last Words of Jesus: Commend My Spirit"
March 10, 2024
"The 7 Last Words of Jesus: Thirst"
March 3, 2024
"The 7 Last Words of Jesus: Forsaken"
February 25, 2024
"The 7 Last Words of Jesus: Family"
February 18, 2024
"The 7 Last Words of Jesus: Paradise"
February 11, 2024
"The 7 Last Words of Jesus: Forgiveness"
The Abrahamic Religions
January 21, 2024
"The Abrahamic Faiths: Judaism"
An Advent and Christmas Series:  "Faces near the Manger"
December 24, 2023
"The Face of the Inn-Keeper"
December 24, 2023
"The Face of God"
November 26, 2023
"The Eternal Now"
November 5, 2023
November 12, 2023
"All The Church Wants is My Money"
November 19, 2023
"The Stories We Tell"
October 29, 2023
"The Making of a Saint"
October 22
Special Guest: Rev. Derek Nakano
"Going the Extra Mile"
October 18th: 
Special Guest: Rev. David Nieda
"The Precipice of the Impossible"
M.I.L.E. is the Bishop's direction for the Greater Northwest UMC.
Let's consider how MASON might participate in this vision.
September 17
E is for Eliminating Racism
September 10
"L" is for Lay Enhancement
September 3
"I" is for Itineration and Location
August 27
M. is for Ministry that Matters

The Most Radical Prayer of All: Reflections on the Lord's Prayer in 2 parts.
December 3, 2023
"The Face of Joseph"
December 10, 2023
"The Faces of the Shepherds"
December 17, 2023
"The Faces of Mary"
August 20
The Most Radical Prayer Ever
Part II of the Lord's Prayer
August 13
The Most Radical Prayer Ever
Part 1 of the Lord's Prayer
August 6
Thank God For the Thorns
The Beattitudes
For the next eight weeks we will be exploring the first of one of the most popular sermons.  Jesus preaches prayers, parables, laws and more.  All of the sermon, Jesus says NOTHING about what to believe, but only how to live.  Beginning with the opening of the sermon we will explore what it means to be blessed and why hardships are a blessing.
June 25th
Blessed Are The Meek
June 4th
What Does "Blessed" Really Mean?
June 11th - Blessed are the Poor
"When You Have Nothing"
June 18th
"Blessed Are Those Who Mourn"
May 28th.  "Pentecost:"
The 1st and 21st Century Church
EASTER SEASON: Stories of the Resurection
My 21st
"The Rhythm of the Resurrection"
May 14th
"The Breath of the Spirit"
May 8th
"Do You Love Me?"
April 30th
"The Agnostic Christian"
April 16th
"Easter Reality"
April 9th
"To Be Alive!"
Lent: Giving Up...
April 2nd
"Two Parades"
March 23rd
"Lent: Giving Up Life"
March 19th
"Lent: Giving Up Control"
While Pastor Susan is on mission
in Kenya, there will be no
posted videos from
February 19th - March 19th
February 5th
"The Methodist Way"
February 12th
"A Parable for Forgiveness"
January 29th "How We Serve"
January 22nd.
"An Invitation to Serve"
January 15th "Do Or Die"
an urgent message from Pastor Susan
Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.  Celebrating the Hope, Peace, Love and Joy of the world.

Christmas Eve
"From Fear to Faith"

Christmas Day
"Those Wise Guys"

Advent is Here!   "Do Not Be Afraid".

November 27th: Advent Week One
"Fear Not: More Hope"

December 3rd: Advent Week Two
"Fear Not: More Love"

(there were technical difficulties in recording, but you can view the whole service on our Facebook page.  Just click the above title)


December 11th: Advent Week Three
"Fear Not: More Love"

December 18th: Advent Week Four
"Fear Not: More Joy"

All Saints Day - October 30th -
"Calling All Angels"

November 6th
"God's Politics"

November 13th  "An Adhesive Faith"
special guest preacher,
Dr. Rev. Del Permann

November 20th "Living Our Oneness"
special guest preacher,
Rev. Bob Ward

Looking In.... Reaching Out... Promising Discipleship

The Power of Presence

Believe Out Loud

Her Whole Life

Our Promises

We Are All Pilgrims....What Way? Whose Truth? Why Life?   JOHN 14:6
September 11, 18. and 24.- Come explore with us the most divisive scripture in the Gospels. 

We're All Pilgrams
Searching for the Way...

We are All Pilgrims
Searching for the Truth

We're All Pilgrams

Searching for Life....

We Officially Become a Reconciling Congregation 

Mason's Resurrection

Love is Love

All Means All

Church 101: Why Bother?
For this sermon series, Pastor Susan will be exploring with Mason, why anyone should bother going to church or even being part of church life.  We'll ask ourselves questions that we don't usually think about, like why do we bother giving up our one morning to sleep in and have a leisurly cup of coffee while scanning the news.  Why do we sing weird songs with words that we can't even define, nevermind folks who don't go to church.  Why does one person get to stand in front with a holier-than-thou robe and talk about some guy who lived 2,000 years ago? What's the point? Why do we bother being part of a church? Here we explore the point of it all.

What's a disciple?

What's the point of prayer?

What's worship about?

What's the point of sharing
our faith?

What's service supposed
to be about?

Is the Bible really necessary?

February 5th
"The Methodist Way"
January 29th "How We Serve"
January 22nd.
"An Invitation to Serve"
January 15th "Do Or Die"
an urgent message from Pastor Susan
Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.  Celebrating the Hope, Peace, Love and Joy of the world.

Christmas Eve
"From Fear to Faith"

Christmas Day
"Those Wise Guys"

Advent is Here!   "Do Not Be Afraid".

November 27th: Advent Week One
"Fear Not: More Hope"

December 3rd: Advent Week Two
"Fear Not: More Love"

(there were technical difficulties in recording, but you can view the whole service on our Facebook page.  Just click the above title)


December 11th: Advent Week Three
"Fear Not: More Love"

December 18th: Advent Week Four
"Fear Not: More Joy"

All Saints Day - October 30th -
"Calling All Angels"

November 6th
"God's Politics"

November 13th  "An Adhesive Faith"
special guest preacher,
Dr. Rev. Del Permann

November 20th "Living Our Oneness"
special guest preacher,
Rev. Bob Ward

Looking In.... Reaching Out... Promising Discipleship

The Power of Presence

Believe Out Loud

Her Whole Life

Our Promises

We Are All Pilgrims....What Way? Whose Truth? Why Life?   JOHN 14:6
September 11, 18. and 24.- Come explore with us the most divisive scripture in the Gospels. 

We're All Pilgrams
Searching for the Way...

We are All Pilgrims
Searching for the Truth

We're All Pilgrams

Searching for Life....

We Officially Become a Reconciling Congregation 

Mason's Resurrection

Love is Love

All Means All

Church 101: Why Bother?
For this sermon series, Pastor Susan will be exploring with Mason, why anyone should bother going to church or even being part of church life.  We'll ask ourselves questions that we don't usually think about, like why do we bother giving up our one morning to sleep in and have a leisurly cup of coffee while scanning the news.  Why do we sing weird songs with words that we can't even define, nevermind folks who don't go to church.  Why does one person get to stand in front with a holier-than-thou robe and talk about some guy who lived 2,000 years ago? What's the point? Why do we bother being part of a church? Here we explore the point of it all.

What's a disciple?

What's the point of prayer?

What's worship about?

What's the point of sharing
our faith?

What's service supposed
to be about?

Is the Bible really necessary?

Sermon Archives

February 5th
"The Methodist Way"
January 29th "How We Serve"
January 22nd.
"An Invitation to Serve"
January 15th "Do Or Die"
an urgent message from Pastor Susan
Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.  Celebrating the Hope, Peace, Love and Joy of the world.

Christmas Eve
"From Fear to Faith"

Christmas Day
"Those Wise Guys"

Advent is Here!   "Do Not Be Afraid".

November 27th: Advent Week One
"Fear Not: More Hope"

December 3rd: Advent Week Two
"Fear Not: More Love"

(there were technical difficulties in recording, but you can view the whole service on our Facebook page.  Just click the above title)


December 11th: Advent Week Three
"Fear Not: More Love"

December 18th: Advent Week Four
"Fear Not: More Joy"

All Saints Day - October 30th -
"Calling All Angels"

November 6th
"God's Politics"

November 13th  "An Adhesive Faith"
special guest preacher,
Dr. Rev. Del Permann

November 20th "Living Our Oneness"
special guest preacher,
Rev. Bob Ward

Looking In.... Reaching Out... Promising Discipleship

The Power of Presence

Believe Out Loud

Her Whole Life

Our Promises

We Are All Pilgrims....What Way? Whose Truth? Why Life?   JOHN 14:6
September 11, 18. and 24.- Come explore with us the most divisive scripture in the Gospels. 

We're All Pilgrams
Searching for the Way...

We are All Pilgrims
Searching for the Truth

We're All Pilgrams

Searching for Life....

We Officially Become a Reconciling Congregation 

Mason's Resurrection

Love is Love

All Means All

Church 101: Why Bother?
For this sermon series, Pastor Susan will be exploring with Mason, why anyone should bother going to church or even being part of church life.  We'll ask ourselves questions that we don't usually think about, like why do we bother giving up our one morning to sleep in and have a leisurly cup of coffee while scanning the news.  Why do we sing weird songs with words that we can't even define, nevermind folks who don't go to church.  Why does one person get to stand in front with a holier-than-thou robe and talk about some guy who lived 2,000 years ago? What's the point? Why do we bother being part of a church? Here we explore the point of it all.

What's a disciple?

What's the point of prayer?

What's worship about?

What's the point of sharing
our faith?

What's service supposed
to be about?

Is the Bible really necessary?

Sermon Archives

Christmas Services:  Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.
Come celebrate the Hope, Peace, Love and Joy of the world.
Advent is Here!   "Do Not Be Afraid".

November 27th: Advent Week One
"Fear Not: More Hope"

December 3rd: Advent Week Two
"Fear Not: More Love"

(there were technical difficulties in recording, but you can view the whole service on our Facebook page.  Just click the above title)


December 11th: Advent Week Three
"Fear Not: More Love"

Christmas Eve
"From Fear to Faith"

December 18th: Advent Week Four
"Fear Not: More Joy"

All Saints Day - October 30th -
"Calling All Angels"

November 6th
"God's Politics"

November 13th  "An Adhesive Faith"
special guest preacher,
Dr. Rev. Del Permann

November 20th "Living Our Oneness"
special guest preacher,
Rev. Bob Ward

Looking In.... Reaching Out... Promising Discipleship

The Power of Presence

Believe Out Loud

Her Whole Life

Our Promises

We Are All Pilgrims....What Way? Whose Truth? Why Life?   JOHN 14:6
September 11, 18. and 24.- Come explore with us the most divisive scripture in the Gospels. 

We're All Pilgrams
Searching for the Way...

We are All Pilgrims
Searching for the Truth

We're All Pilgrams

Searching for Life....

We Officially Become a Reconciling Congregation 

Mason's Resurrection

Love is Love

All Means All

Church 101: Why Bother?
For this sermon series, Pastor Susan will be exploring with Mason, why anyone should bother going to church or even being part of church life.  We'll ask ourselves questions that we don't usually think about, like why do we bother giving up our one morning to sleep in and have a leisurly cup of coffee while scanning the news.  Why do we sing weird songs with words that we can't even define, nevermind folks who don't go to church.  Why does one person get to stand in front with a holier-than-thou robe and talk about some guy who lived 2,000 years ago? What's the point? Why do we bother being part of a church? Here we explore the point of it all.

What's a disciple?

What's the point of prayer?

What's worship about?

What's the point of sharing
our faith?

What's service supposed
to be about?

Is the Bible really necessary?

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